Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Madness: Hack and Slash Week 3 - Films From Around the World

Yes, I'm taking a different approach in posting this weeks results on more old movie blog because good old Facebook won't let me paste it in. This week, I wanted to focus on watching horror films from various countries. Please note that some of my arguments

"Carnal Violence" aka Torso" - 4 Stars - 93 Mins - 6pt Forigen Slasher
The film was shot in Italy
The killer face is not seen for 85 percent of the film.
Arguement for forigen slasher.
The killer uses a knive for his kills and slashes a couple of characters throats plus to me plays more of a slasher film.

Tenebre - 101 mins - 4 Stars - 6pts - Forigen Slasher - The film was shot in Italy and has slasher elements like usage of a knive and axe. There are two killers that the motives change. Very gory ending with only a final girl surviving.
The film was shot Italy
There are a couple of boob shots.

Temptation - 95 mins - 5 Stars - 2pts plus 2 bonus elements - One of the best horror films from last year. If you like "Daughters of Darkness" or "Vampyres", your like this erotic vampire film.
The film was shot in Brittan.
There are a couple of boob shots in the film.

Wolf Creek - 98 Mins - 3 Stars- 2pts plus 2 bonus elements
The film is shot in Austirila.
Liz has a gun at but instead of killing the villian right away, she is shaking and looked hesitant. She only ends up only grazing the neck off the villian with her shot.
Lizzy gets out of the car after being stabbed inside. She tries to get up but immediatly slips and falls down to the ground when she gets outs out.
Kristy crashes the car and must have slip as she was getting out of car, as she came out on her hands and knees.
Final girl is actually a guy and is the lone survior of the three - Ben survives

Book of Blood - 100 Mins - 3.5 Stars - 2pts plus 2 bonus elements - Very dark and gothic film.
Gratuitous BOOB, BUSH, WIENER or ASS shot!! - You see Simon full frontal from the side. There's also a boob shot, when Simon and Mary are having sex in what looks like a dream sequence. There's a a brief ass shot in the shower
The film was shot in the UK.

Dark Nature - 76mins- 2 Star 6pt - Scottish pyschological slasher film from Scottland that was released from troma. Shot very well, but the dialouge scenes take forever.

Freak Out - 103 Mins - 5 stars - 6pts - Slasher comedy from Brittan.
The film was shot in brittan
There is a couple of boob shots with bra on and there is a boob shot on the tv that the main characters were watching.

Dead Snow - 92 Mins - 5 Stars - 2pt plus 2 bonus elements
The film was made in Britain
Characters are sliping and falling, as they run from the zombies

Gallo - 92 mins - 1 Star - Snozze Fest
The film was shot in Italy.
There is a ass shot of Emmanuele Singer through the shower curtain.
The villian get thrown through the the glass and later falls to his death after failing to hang on to a metal structure.

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers - 85 Mins - 1 star - 2pt plus 3 Bonus elements - The film looked like it was chopped to bits in the editing room.

If you are watching a sequel 4 or higher : This is the sixth film in the series.
If the film is titled or takes place on a specific date or holiday (BIRTHDAY ACCEPTED as a Holiday). Halloween.
The killer's face is obscured for 85 %
Debra Strode slips and falls, when Michael chases her. There's other character that slips and falls too.
Gratuitous BOOB, BUSH, WIENER or ASS shot!! - There is a boob shot in the film.

Halloween: H20- 88 Mins - 4 stars - 2pt plus 3 Bonus elements - The Best of the original sequels.

If you are watching a sequel 4 or higher : This is the seventh film in the series.
If the film is titled or takes place on a specific date or holiday (BIRTHDAY ACCEPTED as a Holiday). Halloween.
The killer's face is obscured for 85 %
An (future) A Lister is Killed - Joseph Gordon Livett -Inception

Halloween: Resurection 89Mins - 3.5 stars - 2pt plus 3 Bonus elements - The scene with real Michael Myers and Buster dressed as Michael Myers is weirdest scene in any halloween film. Also, Buster has some of the best one liners.

If you are watching a sequel 4 or higher : This is the eighth film in the series.
If the film is titled or takes place on a specific date or holiday (BIRTHDAY ACCEPTED as a Holiday). Halloween.
The killer's face is obscured for 85 %
An A Lister is Killed - Jamie Lee Curtis - True Lies , Thomas Ian Nicholas - American Pie 1 & 2
Sara character slips and falls on the stairs, but doesn't go down the stairs. She would also slip and fall on blood.

See No Evil - 82 Mins - 3.5 Stars - 2pts plus 3 bonus elements

Gratuitous BOOB, BUSH, WIENER or ASS shot!! (If the character gets naked IN A SLASHER FILM, and DOES NOT DIE; then Automatic TRIPLE BONUS ) Kara gets naked and surives
Characters slip and fall
An (future) A lister is killed - R

Severance - 4 Stars - 2pts plus 2 bonus elements

The film was made in Brittan.
Various characters are sliping and falling
An A lister is Killed - Toby Stephens - Die Another Day
Gratuitous BOOB, BUSH, WIENER or ASS shot!! - Scene where Steve finds two topless escorts in the ditch, in which they are trapped in.

Inside - 75 Mins - 5 Stars 2pt plus 2 bonus elements

The film was shot in France
The film takes place on Christmas Eve
A character slips and falls.

Not sure if this film would quaify as a slasher, but there are elements. Killer is stalking a woman and killer uses scisors and knife as weapons and the deaths are very bloody.

The House on Sorotity Row - 92 Mins - 4 Stars 2pt plus 3 bonus elements

Gratuitous BOOB, BUSH, WIENER or ASS shot!! - a shot of Vickie's boobs
Jeanie slips and falls, as she goes to hid in the bathroom while trying to run from the killer
The Killer's face is obscured for at least 85% of the film.
Katie looks hesitate when shooting at the killer cauing her to miss.
Not sure if this fits as a (future) A-Lister is killed - Harley Jane Kozak -Arachnophobia , Parenthood

Opera - 107 mins - 4 Stars - 6pt Foriegn slasher. - Surprised who the killer was.

The contains slasher elements like the killer hiding his face and some of the death scenes are bloody.
The film was shot in Italy
There is boob shot, as the killer kills a woman.
The Killer's Face is obsured for 85%.

Rammbock: Berlin Undead - 61 Mins - 4 Stars - 2pt plus 1 bonus element

The film was shot in Germany.

Big Man Japan - 106 Mins - 3.5 Stars - Magnoia/ Magnet Releasing Wild Card 2pt plus 1 bonus element
The film was shot in Japan.

TV Shows
Todd and the Book of Pure Evil - 30 Mins - Checkmate - 5 Stars - Funniest episode of the series so far.
The Vampire Daries - Smells Like Teen Spirit - 4 Stars

Attended the Full moon horror launch steaming event. - 2pts - Boring time with awful audio problems

93.5 points approximately for Team Elizabeth Katheryn Gray